
How Healthy Are You, Really? 13 Things You Should be Doing

Living a healthy lifestyle is crucial for overall well-being and longevity. It involves making conscious choices that promote physical, mental, and emotional health. If you’re unsure about whether your lifestyle aligns with health and wellness, here are 13 simple ways to find out.

Balanced Diet

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Eating right is a big part of being healthy. Make sure you eat a mix of fruits, veggies, lean proteins like chicken or beans, lower-carb whole grains such as quinoa, and healthy fats like those found in avocados or nuts.

These foods give your body what it needs to stay strong and work well. Try to avoid processed foods with lots of extra stuff in them, and cut back on sugary snacks and drinks. Choosing these good foods helps keep you healthy and full of energy.

Regular Exercise


Staying active is a crucial part of staying healthy. Plan out your exercise routine and try to get in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This can be something like brisk walking, jogging, or joining fitness classes.

These activities keep your heart healthy and help improve your overall fitness, boost your mood, and build up your stamina. Making these exercises enjoyable will help you stick to your routine and enjoy the health benefits that come with regular physical activity.

Adequate Hydration


Drinking enough water is vital for your body to work well. It helps with digestion, absorbing nutrients, and regulating your temperature. Make sure to have water throughout the day, and pay attention to signs like feeling thirsty or the color of your urine.

If your urine is dark, it might mean you need more water. Keeping yourself consistently hydrated supports your body’s ability to work effectively and helps you stay healthy overall.

Quality Sleep

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Monitoring how you sleep is essential for staying physically and mentally healthy. Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for your overall well-being. Aim to sleep between 7 and 9 hours each night to help your body work well.

Make a calming routine before bedtime to help you sleep better. This could be something like reading, relaxing, or making the room darker. Doing these things helps you to get enough quality sleep, which is vital for your mind and body to be healthy.

Stress Management


Experiencing a lot of stress for a long time can hurt your health. Monitor how stressed you are and use healthy ways to deal with it, like meditation, deep breathing, or doing things you enjoy.

Chronic stress is connected to health problems, such as heart issues and a weaker immune system. These methods can help calm your mind and relax your body, giving you good ways to handle stress and keep yourself well.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight


Make sure your weight matches what’s considered healthy for your age and your height. Being in a healthy weight range is super important for your overall health. It lowers the chances of having different health problems.

When your weight is in a good range, it helps your heart, reduces the risk of things like diabetes, and keeps your body working well. Monitoring and managing your weight and following health guidelines is an excellent way to take care of yourself and avoid potential health issues related to weight changes.

Regular Health Check-ups


Make sure to set up regular check-ups with your healthcare provider. These visits are crucial for catching possible health issues early and focusing on preventive care. During these appointments, you’ll go through screenings and have discussions to make sure your body is working well.

By dealing with any concerns early on, you and your healthcare provider can work together on a plan to keep you healthy and stop any potential issues from getting worse. These check-ups are part of caring for your body to prevent health problems before they become significant.

Limiting Alcohol and Avoiding Tobacco


Monitor how much you drink and if you smoke. Keep your alcohol intake moderate, and if you smoke, think about stopping. Both of these habits can really harm your health. Drinking too much can lead to problems with your liver and heart and make long-term issues more likely.

Smoking is connected to serious health issues like lung cancer and heart disease. By looking at and maybe cutting back on these habits, you can take steps to protect your health and lower the risks linked to too much alcohol and smoking.

Social Connections


Think about how strong your connections are with others. Having good relationships with friends, family, and supportive people can really help your mental and emotional well-being. Connecting with people who care gives you comfort and encouragement, especially during tough times.

These relationships make you feel like you belong and help you better deal with stress and problems. By actively being part of your social circle, talking regularly, doing things together, or supporting each other, you create a sense of community and emotional stability that makes you feel better overall.

Intellectual Stimulation


Make sure to keep your mind active regularly. Reading, solving puzzles, or learning new skills are important for keeping your brain healthy. Your cognitive health, or how well your brain works, benefits from intellectual stimulation.

Challenging your mind with different activities helps maintain a sharp memory, improves your ability to solve problems, and supports how well your brain functions overall. Make it a habit to do things that stimulate your mind, as this contributes to cognitive health and a more satisfying and enjoyable life.

Sun Protection


Make sure to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays by using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding spending too much time in the sun. Sunscreen with enough SPF works like a shield against UV rays, keeping your skin safe from sunburns and aging too quickly.

Pick clothes that cover your skin, like long sleeves and wide-brimmed hats, to limit direct sun exposure. Spending too much time under the sun increases the chances of skin damage and getting skin cancer. Following these precautions consistently keeps your skin healthy and lowers the risks linked to being in the sun for too long.

Regular Screenings


Think about your age and gender when it comes to routine health screenings, such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and prostate exams. These screenings are really important because they help catch potential health issues early. For women, mammograms are crucial for finding breast cancer, and for men, regular prostate exams are a good idea.

Both men and women can benefit from colonoscopies to check for colorectal cancer. Participating in these screenings based on your health needs increases the chances of finding any possible health concerns early. Early detection allows for timely action, improving outcomes and overall health.

Joy and Fulfillment

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Take a moment to think about how happy and fulfilled you feel in life. Do things that make you genuinely happy and give you a sense of purpose. When you engage in activities that bring you joy and a sense of meaning, it not only adds happiness to your life but also makes you feel better overall.

Having a positive mindset is essential for a healthier lifestyle. Focusing on things that genuinely make you happy affects other parts of your life in a positive way. This positive approach can improve your mental and emotional well-being, make you stronger when dealing with challenges, and lead to a more satisfying and enjoyable life.



Checking these 13 things can help you figure out if you’re living a healthy lifestyle. Making small, positive changes in these areas can really make a big difference in how you feel overall. Keep in mind that living a healthy lifestyle is something you work on over time, and every good choice you make adds up to a happier and healthier you.

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