
13 Ways to Successfully Lose Weight on Dirty Keto

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Dirty keto is a type of keto diet thatโ€™s become popular because itโ€™s more flexible and simpler than the usual keto plan. The regular keto diet focuses on eating clean, whole foods, but Dirty Keto is more relaxed, letting you include processed and lower-quality foods because, let’s be honest, keto is not an easy diet to follow for the best of us. That’s why this site is called On and Off Keto.

If youโ€™re thinking about using dirty keto to lose weight, here are 13 helpful tips to guide you in successfully dropping those pounds with this unconventional approach.

Prioritize Healthy Fats


Even though itโ€™s called โ€œdirty,โ€ make sure to include good fats in your diet. Choose foods like avocados, olive oil, and nuts because they give your body the fats it needs and essential nutrients. Avocados have healthy fats that are good for your heart.

Olive oil has antioxidants that fight inflammation, and nuts provide a mix of healthy fats, protein, and various vitamins and minerals. Even if youโ€™re following a more relaxed approach like dirty keto, picking these healthy fat sources ensures your body benefits from both the keto style and a diet rich in good nutrients.

Mind Your Macros


You donโ€™t need to track your fat or protein on dirty keto as much, but make sure to track your carbs at least. This helps you maintain the right balance for your diet goals. Even if youโ€™re doing dirty keto, itโ€™s still important to limit your carbs.

This is because keeping your carb intake low helps your body stay in ketosis, which burns fat for energy instead of using carbs. So, whether youโ€™re on regular keto or dirty keto, paying attention to and controlling your macros, especially carbs, is key to getting the results you want.

Stay Hydrated


Make sure to drink enough water during your weight loss journeyโ€”itโ€™s really important. Staying hydrated helps your body burn calories and fat better and keeps you from feeling too hungry.

This is especially crucial if youโ€™re doing dirty keto because some of the processed foods in that approach can be high in salt. Water helps you stay balanced and supports your efforts to lose weight, so ensure youโ€™re getting plenty of it.

Choose Quality Proteins


Even if dirty keto allows processed meats, try to pick better-quality protein sources when you can. Choose things like grass-fed meats or organic options because they have more nutrients. Even though processed meats fit into dirty keto, going for these higher-quality choices gives you extra benefits.

Grass-fed meats have more good fats and antioxidants, making them better for you. And by going organic, you avoid exposure to chemicals used in regular farming. So, not only do you stick to dirty keto, but you also get more nutritional goodness from your protein sources, which is excellent for your health.

Watch for Hidden Sugars


Watch out for hidden sugars in processed foodsโ€”they can hinder your weight loss plans. Read the labels carefully, and go for products with as little added sugar as possible. Even with dirty keto, where you have more flexibility, itโ€™s important to be aware of sneaky sugars in processed foods.

Even if they claim to be low-carb or keto-friendly, some products might still have sugars that can slow down your progress. By checking labels and choosing items with minimal added sugars, you can better control your carb intake and keep your weight loss journey on the right track, even with a more relaxed approach like dirty keto.

Incorporate Fiber


On dirty keto, you might miss out on fiber, and that can cause tummy troubles. To keep your digestion on track, eat foods with lots of fiber, like leafy greens, chia seeds, and flaxseeds. Dirty keto can be a bit low on fiber because it allows processed foods, but fiber is important for a healthy digestive system.

Foods like spinach, kale, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are full of fiber, and including them in your dirty keto meals helps keep your tummy happy and your digestion running smoothly.

Plan Your Meals


Planning your meals ahead is a great way to stick to your dirty keto plan. When you think about and make your meals in advance, youโ€™re less likely to grab quick but not-so-healthy options that could hinder your weight loss goals.

This not only saves time but also ensures you have access to keto-friendly foods when hunger hits. Planning ahead means youโ€™re less likely to give in to the temptation of processed or high-carb foods, making it easier to follow your dirty keto plan and keep making progress toward your weight loss goals.

Moderate Dairy Intake


Even though dirty keto allows for dairy, itโ€™s smart not to go overboard with it because too much can slow down your weight loss. Stick to moderate amounts of good-quality dairy, like full-fat cheeses and yogurts.

Dirty keto gives the green light for dairy, but keeping it in check is key. Choosing high-quality options in reasonable portions, such as full-fat cheeses and yogurts, ensures you get the good stuff without hindering your weight loss goals while following the dirty keto approach.

Exercise Regularly


Add regular exercise for the best weight loss results with dirty keto. Mix things up with both aerobic exercises like walking or jogging and strength training. Aerobic exercises get your heart pumping and burn calories during the workout, while strength training builds muscle.

Together, these exercises help speed up your metabolism, making your body better at burning calories even when youโ€™re not exercising. Plus, strength training ensures you donโ€™t lose muscle while losing weight, so most of what you shed is fat. So, by combining dirty keto with a mix of aerobic and strength training exercises, youโ€™re setting yourself up for effective fat loss and improved overall health.

Listen to Your Body


Listen to your body when it tells you itโ€™s hungry or full, whether youโ€™re doing dirty keto or not. Overeating, even with dirty keto, can slow down your weight loss. So, be mindful when you eatโ€”enjoy your food, pay attention to how your body feels, and stop eating when youโ€™re satisfied, not stuffed.

This way, youโ€™re more in control of what you eat, and it helps you build a healthier relationship with food. By being aware of your bodyโ€™s signals, you can keep things balanced and stay on track with your weight loss goals while following dirty keto.

Intermittent Fasting

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Try intermittent fasting with your dirty keto plan. Itโ€™s like taking breaks between eating and not eating. This method helps your body burn fat better, which is great when youโ€™re on dirty keto. Intermittent fasting also improves how your body uses insulin to control blood sugar.

So, doing both of these things togetherโ€”burning more fat and improving insulin sensitivityโ€”can really boost your overall health and help you with your weight loss goals on dirty keto.

Limit Processed Foods


Even with dirty keto, where some processed foods are okay, itโ€™s important to find a middle ground. While you can have a bit of processed stuff, relying too much on heavily processed foods might not be great for your health.

Try to cut back on those and include more whole, nutrient-packed foods in your diet. Whole foods give your body the good stuff it needs to stay healthy. So, by balancing things out, you can still enjoy the flexibility of dirty keto while making sure your diet supports your overall well-being.

Monitor Progress and Adjust


Check how things are going on your dirty keto journey regularly, and donโ€™t be afraid to switch things up if needed. If you hit a weight loss plateau, consider changing your approach. You might want to eat fewer processed foods or adjust your dietโ€™s balance of fats, proteins, and carbs.

Being flexible and making these changes helps keep your dirty keto plan working well. It lets you respond to what your body needs and keeps you moving towards your weight loss goals. So, keep an eye on how youโ€™re doing and be ready to adjust your approach to stay on course.



Starting a weight loss journey with dirty keto means finding the right balance between being flexible and being aware of what youโ€™re eating. These 13 tips can help you do dirty keto in a way that works for you, increasing your chances of losing extra weight while still enjoying the more laid-back approach of the ketogenic diet.

Remember to talk to a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet to ensure itโ€™s a good fit for your personal health needs.

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